Thai Nakhon Pattana CO., LTD.
Excellent performance for global customers

Their products are widely distributed in drugstores and pharmacies in Thailand. Their goal is to produce high-quality pharmaceutical products and to promote internationally not only consumer trust, but also the high standards of pharmaceutical products in Thailand.

Reason for Selection
Boiler replacement with the high-efficiency
/high-function Super EQOS boiler for energy savings
Our previous 10 t/h and 8 t/h firetube boilers had aged and we decided to install the high-performance and high-efficiency EQi-6001 boilers after internal discussions based on various proposals from NTEC, including energy saving. We are now amazed at the great energy saving effects and the overwhelmingly stable steam pressure.
NTEC’s Proposal
Super EQOS EQi series

High-efficiency/high-function once-through boiler Super EQOS
The Super EQOS EQi-6001 boiler has extremely high energy-saving performance and can control the combustion rate according to the load of their equipment, and they are satisfied with its energy-saving effects and stable steam supply after installation. The EQi-6001 has also been highly evaluated for its combination operation with the existing boilers. We will continue to provide “good products and services” to our overseas customers in the same way as we do in Japan.

Related Products

Super EQOS
● Specification
Equivalent evaporation: 6,000kg/h
Efficiency: 99%
Max. working pressure: 0.98MPa
Healthcare introductions and case studies
Japan Blood Products Organization Kyoto Plant
Super EQOS EQi Series
EQi-3000NM -
Ookuramaya Memorial Hospital
Vacotin Heater